. (Image Courtesy: Google) In the epic saga of Mahabharata, Vikarna stands apart from his illustrious siblings as a character often overshadowed by the more prominent figures like Duryodhana, Dushasana, and the Kaurava brothers. Yet, Vikarna's unique attributes and actions make him a distinct and noteworthy presence in the great Indian epic. 1. Virtue in the Midst of Vice: Unlike many of his brothers who succumbed to the vices of the Kurukshetra war, Vikarna emerges as a voice of reason and righteousness. His unwavering commitment to principles and ethical values sets him apart from the morally compromised atmosphere that engulfs the Kaurava clan. 2. Dilemma of Duty: Vikarna finds himself torn between loyalty to his family and his inherent sense of justice. His internal conflict reflects the complexity of human nature, grappling with the clash between familial allegiance and moral responsibility. 3. Compassion in Adversity: During Drau...